To test the IBM Lotus/Domino deployment process I followed the following steps:
1 – Downloaded the Kit
2 – Installed the Kit
3 – Created a test application.
4 – Packaged the application
5 – Deployed the application
In this post I'm documenting the last step (5) application deployment.Prior to deploying an application you would have to package it. Refer to my previous post.
Using the IBM Smart Business Development Kit I packaged the application and placed in in the root of my C:\ drive as shown.
Since it's a compressed zip file, right click on the file to extract the packaged file
Next, open the file server by typing the appropriate IP address in the address bar of Internet Explorer. (preceded by \\)
Locate the “autoinstall” folder and open it.
Drag the packaged file into the folder.
Open the web config screen of your Lotus Foundation Server (Typically https:\\ip:8043)Click on the software update option of the left menu. You should be able to see the application under the Add-on packages ready to install. (Since I didn't include release notes that option is not available)
Click on the install link. Verify that the application is installing. In the web config screen click on the status update option of the left menu you should be able to see the “autoinstall” message as shown in the screen.